Monday, September 17, 2012

Mom & Dad Visit

 Bath Time!

 Story time!
 Hanging w/ Aunt Rissa
 5 months old today :D

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Christmas Name Exchange!

Christmas Name Exchange:

Forr: Dara
Car: Adam
Alan: Britt
Bec: Brandon
Just: Bec
Britt: Tys
Adam: Kalie
Rissa: Just
Dara: Alan
Tys: Rissa
Kalie: Car
Brandon: Forr

COUSIN exchange:

Dak: Elan
Sky: Keat
Rae: Chase
Elan: Gav
Ki: Rae
Chase: Dak
Ethan: Sky
Claire: Ki
Gav: Claire
Keat: Ethan

Again, there are no "rules" this year... try to have fun with it!! Love to all :)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Celebrating Motherhood

Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day!  We posted pics and info on our Mother's Day extravaganza on our family blog.  Hope you get a chance to check it out!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Keaton's Blessing

 The Poppleton's drove out for the blessing and stayed for the weekend.
 So did Grandpa P. and Grandma Hansen! 

 Thanks everyone for coming.  It was a really beautiful day.
 Here are a few misc. pics from the hospital.
 Grandma P. came for a week and was a huge help.  Thanks Mom!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Grandpa's Exotic pics and a few more things

So I was out to look at a lame camel.  The owner had asked me about vaccinating her "monkeys" for rabies.  I told her I would study the matter and follow up.  So when she called about the lame camel, she wanted me to vaccinate her capuchin monkeys.  These are New World Monkeys, the "organ grinder" monkey that you see in movies.  So after looking at the lame camel, I worked on the monkeys.  They didn't really like the shot, but afterward the one came up to me and stood by my knee, then crawled up on my lap and then my shoulder and circled around my neck and then back into my lap.  The owner took some pics of me holding them which I am showing here.  The one picture looked familiar so I cropped out the monkey and then searched the web for a similar photo which I have also attached.  The titles are "Which one is Which:".  Do you see the similarities?

More pics

A Jersey bull that broke it's leg.  I put on a special cast/splint that it wore for 8 weeks.

A 5 month old white bacterian that I worked on

A White Capuchin Monkey

Grandpa and the Monkey

A Wallaby that I removed some infected teeth from and lanced an abscess

Two of Grandpa's Alpaca buddies
Rudy the Reindeer
How now Black Cow

Grandpa doing a surgery reaching inside a cow

Grandpa starting the surgery
That's enough pics for now.  I'll have to look for my others.  It's a lot of fun to work on all the animals.  Love Grandpa

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