Monday, September 20, 2010

Park City 2010

Park City 2010 Pics now on Picasso

Just uploaded 3 pics from our trip to Utah while at Park City-      Dad

Park City 2010

Great Job Rissa

Thanks Rissa, looks great.  Since everyone signs in under the same name, I would suggest identifying yourself at the end of your message if appropriate.  Sometimes it may be really obvious who sent it, sometimes it may not.  Can you tell who sent this one????????????  So how do I get email notice of additions to blog?     Love Dad.


This is a lame test to see if this actually works. Not sure who to add pics but sure will figure things out later.  Hope everyone is having a fun day! Talk soon. Love-C

A "GREEN" Christmas

Hi All!

Christmas names have been drawn and the results are in:

Forrest: Becca
Veda: Rissa

Carene: Forrest
Alan: Tyson

Britt: Veda
Justin: Alan
Becca: Adam
Rissa: Britt

Adam: Justin
Dara: Carene
Tyson: Kalie

Kalie: Dara

We are CHANGING IT UP this year!! In light of going 'green', and to make things more interesting, we are adding a theme this year for gifts: Gifts cannot be new (even if on sale!). Hit up rummage sales, thrift stores, e-bay, amazon, make something from scratch, or recycle something you already have :D Make it as funny or serious as you like. Happy hunting!!


Way to go if you actually got signed-in and can read this.  This is a new, work-in-progress site to help us all stay connected, and to be able to get lots of information from 1 place :D  Refer to this often, and PLEASE post to it--videos, pics, recipes, ideas, much-needed-venting, life-happenings, etc.

Love to all! ~ Rissa

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