Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Chef Adam's cooking adventures--Creme Brulee

 Prepping the cups--he only dropped one of them, so that's impressive right there ;)
 We bought the cooking store out of their entire supply of butane just so we could take pics w/it ;)
 Voila! Finished product.  Muy delicioso! Too bad you'll have to come to MN to try it...
While shopping for used furniture one day, we came across a cheap, never-opened Creme Brulee set that Adam HAD to have.  Well, PUT YOUR ORDER IN NOW!  j/k.  I was shocked he actually used it, and imagine my surprise when it turned out to be fabulous.  LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Here's some pics from his first attempt.  I still maintain that he just likes to play with the mini blow-torch, but hey, it tasted great so I can't complain. 

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