Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sarissa and Adams visit for the weekend

Sarissa and Adam were in town for a wedding and a funeral (oops I mean a baby shower).  Perhaps the funeral reference is appropriate because life as they know it is about to come to an abrupt end (Death to the DINKS) as they know it.  Enjoy the pics.  Love Dad          
Katie Krill, Erin Meyers, Rissa, and Emily Dalton at Rissa's baby shower

Becca, Mom and Rissa with Jessica Gronbeck and Sis. Russel who planned the party.

I had a couple of wise cracks for this but thought I better leave it alone.  It stands by itself.

Grandma and Grandpa K with Becca

Becca July 2011

Rissa and Adam in new vehicle

Rissa and Adam with his "Romin" hands

Becca and Adam July 2011

It was fun to have them here.  We are missing them already and this is posted before they would be home as I promised Rissa.  Anything else going on out there?  Love Mom and Dad

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Grandma and Grandpa's Garden and water system July 2011

 Our garden July 2011

 A View of the Terrace Area

 A view from the hill

 This is an overall view of the storage system.  Note there are 2 tanks with a capacity of 275 gallons each.  You can see the water level.  It's about 1/4 full.
 A  closer view of the tanks.  Note the valves and filter system (the black tube are attached to the green hose).  It takes about 4-5 inches of rain to fill both barrels.  The rain is collected from the roof of the house and everything works by gravity.  When the system is full the water is redirected back to the down spouts.  When I open the valve, it gravity feeds into the drip system to water the garden.
 You can see the drip lines laid out to water the plants
Potato Patch, mixed w/ a couple of acorn squash

 Pond and Strawberry patch (upper right corner)

Herb garden

Things are starting to get pretty dry here.  We are praying for more rain and some cooler weather.

Pics of Dakota and boys when she visited us last summer

 Kalie munching the big marshmellow

Hey, Hey the Gang's all here

 Dakota doing calls with Grandpa.

 Dakota making friends with a calf.  Note that she is wearing my coveralls

 Caleb enjoying the S'More
Ki trying to get it in without making a mess.  He didn't make it.

Family Calendar