Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas with the Petersons

Ethan "reading" one of the advent calendar books

We do lots of "crafts" to learn colors, shapes, etc.  Here are Ethan's Christmas "crafts

Our traditional Christmas breakfast, homemade caramel pecan sticky buns.  I make the dough and toppings,  Justin rolls the dough and slices them into rolls on Christmas Eve. So all we have to do Christmas morning is bake...Mmmmm.

Ethan Playing with the Cars Santa brought him in his stocking

Santa always brings us a family gift.  This year it was the songbook for the Forgotten Carols.  Justin Played all day!  We were in Heaven :)

Yep, Santa brought gifts and so did grandparents and family :)

Justin reading the Elsie Hunt book
Ethan playing with his new train set
Attempting to eat his sucker from his stocking

Ethan talking to Gpa on the phone...getting ready to open Christmas Eve present from them so we tried to call.

Me trying to secretly video Justin playing from the Forgotten Carols

We finally let Ethan tear into his stocking sucker that evening

Frosty the Snowman

Finally a good snow!  Daddy & Ethan made a snowman while I was at work, then we all decorated him with our snowman kit.  Ethan was in Heaven!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Raegan's 5th Birthday Party

Fun Family Pics

                                                              Our reindeer hard at work.
                                                             Skyller's Reflections Award
                                                                  The boys visit with Santa.
                                                            McMillan Children's Choir
                                                         The girls with their choir friends.

Skyller's "Glasses" Presentation

Skyller had the chance to participate in the Reflections program through school. Her "Glasses" writing won her an award and she is onto district for further review. The theme of the contest was Diversity.

Dakota's Orchestra Christmas Concert

Dakota is the 2nd cello, in the red dress. Hope you enjoy. She has been working really hard.

Dakota's Cello

Elan's "Jingle Bells" Preschool program

Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Christmas Carol

Thought we should let you guys know that we LOVE the Family Christmas Carol Advent Calendar we received during the "white elephant" exchange last Christmas...especially ETHAN!  Merry Christmas! 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Since I swear we may never get our Christmas card out in the mail....

Here are a few updated pics of Gavin.  Enjoy!
 Taken just yesterday at 14 lbs.
 Andrew and him and my first day back to work.  What a handful but so cute!
 His little smirk gets me every time!
 At least I had clean clothes on this day....
 I think he looks like a Hahn here....
 My friend Charisse made him this adorable hat! It was suppose to be for next winter, but I guess he just has a big head ;)
Cooking in the kitchen with Dad--cream cheese swirl brownies for the Ward Christmas Party!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Gingerbread House

Making a family gingerbread house.  The trick was trying to get Ethan to not eat all the candy :)

 Our son has an obsession with letters, so he would tell Justin what letter he wanted and where to put it.
Finished Product

Family Calendar