Wednesday, January 25, 2012

It goes so fast!

Claire is it goes by so fast.  We can't believe she'll be 1 month on Monday!  We've finally moved her up to size 1 diapers, and we're starting to put her in some of her 0-3 month clothes...although she really could still be in newborn sizes...she's just a petite little thing. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

                                                        Skyller's Big Day

Skyller will be getting baptized on Saturday, May 5, 2012. It will be at the Murray South Stake Center at 10:00am. Please mark your calendar. More details to come..

Hope to see you there.

Thanks for the visit Grandma P...and the much needed help!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Claire Elise

 Claire Elise, born 1:25pm, 6lbs 14oz, 20 in, tons of crazy brown hair.  Her eyes are still blue right now, but they look like they may be turning green any day now.
 Ethan's first trip to the hospital to see his sister.
 I LOVE this pic because she has Justin's ears to a "T" and you can actually see them in this pic.

Ethan LOVES his baby sister.  He's always trying to play cars with her, like this picture, or cover her with a blanket, and he loves to hold her.  We have to keep an eye on him when she's in her bouncer because he wants to take her out and hold her by himself.
 Ethan playing cars with her.

 Someone got her one of those crazy bows.  We took a couple pics and took it right off...that thing cannot be comfy!

Holding his sister again!

Family Calendar