Saturday, March 17, 2012

Maternity Pics-36 Weeks

Hey Everyone! Here are some of our maternity pictures. Hope you enjoy!

These next four spell BABY. Can you see it? (Tyson's idea, of course :D)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Another First

We're excited to say, Ethan said his first prayer tonight, with Daddy's help, during our family home evening.  It was soooo sweet!  Definitely a heart-melting moment we had to share with you.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Claire's Blessing

 It was so great to have our family and friends at Claire's Blessing and Brunch.  We are so grateful for everyone travelling to be there; it really meant a lot to us.  It was also really special to see her surrounded by  her father, grandfather, Uncle, and honorary Uncle Scott for the blessing.  Thank you all!

Family Calendar