Monday, November 28, 2011

Tys and Dara's Ultrasound Pictures

Here are some scans of the pics that we got from our ultrasound. Hope you all enjoy! :D

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Some old pics that I found

Hey, In searching on my pic files, I came across some pics that I thought everyone might enjoy.  Feel free to comment and identify.  Love Dad

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Justin's 27th

 Justin's birthday cheesecake.  I usually bake him one, but after freezing meals for the past 3 days for when the baby comes, I settled with the Cheesecake Factory sampler :)
 Ethan helping Daddy open presents.  Of course, my big gift to Justin was a clean house, since that rarely happens now that I'm 8 months pregers :)
 Ethan picked out this card all by himself...something about fertilizing the lawn...boys will be boys.
After digging into the cheesecake we treated ourselves to Justin's favorite pizza in the living room.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Gavin's Blessing

 LOVE this pic!
 The Hahn family plus Sarah, Austin's gf
 Aunt Vicky and Uncle James and their kids were able to come as well.
 4 generations
 Clearly, he has a good set of lungs ;)

 We also decided to put him in the gown and sweater that Barb made for Adam when he was christened.  Though it's a little girly, it was beautiful!
Here are some pics from Gavin's blessing on Sunday.  It was so nice to have had Dad, Mom, Becca, Forrest, and Gma H come and visit, and for Dad and Forrest to have been able to bless him.  I think it was also a good experience for the Hahns :) Thanks again everyone! Love, Rissa

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