Friday, November 4, 2011

Gavin's Blessing

 LOVE this pic!
 The Hahn family plus Sarah, Austin's gf
 Aunt Vicky and Uncle James and their kids were able to come as well.
 4 generations
 Clearly, he has a good set of lungs ;)

 We also decided to put him in the gown and sweater that Barb made for Adam when he was christened.  Though it's a little girly, it was beautiful!
Here are some pics from Gavin's blessing on Sunday.  It was so nice to have had Dad, Mom, Becca, Forrest, and Gma H come and visit, and for Dad and Forrest to have been able to bless him.  I think it was also a good experience for the Hahns :) Thanks again everyone! Love, Rissa

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